DUUF Invitation to Membership

Please fill out this form and click submit.
Welcome to DUUF and congratulations on taking the next step toward membership! We are so excited you are joining us!

Our By-laws state that “...Voting Membership is open to any person aged eighteen (18) or older who is in sympathy with the church’s purposes, principles, and programs by
 (a) signing the membership book in the presence of the Minister or a member of the Board of Directors, and
 (b) pledging to commit time, talent, and financial resources to the church, and
 (c) making a contribution of record as defined by board policy.”
In addition, youth aged sixteen through seventeen or those who have completed the Coming of Age Religious Education Program may become Associate Members by completing the same process.    
Members of DUUF are entitled to run for positions on the Board of Trustees and serve in Committee leadership as well as having the right to vote in congregational meetings. They also can participate in rites of passage (weddings, memorial services, baby dedications, coming of age, name change ceremonies, etc.) at no charge. DUUF members are automatically members of the larger Unitarian Universalist Association and receive a free subscription to the UU World. Members have opportunities to serve as delegates to the UUA General Assembly and are invited to participate in other regional and national gatherings and programs. Voting members are the backbone of our fellowship and ensure our ongoing strength as a congregation today and into the future.

Please complete this form to indicate your interest in taking this step. 
Member Information

Tell us about yourself.
Second Adult

Is there a second adult in your family? Tell us about them.

Tell us about any children in your family. Please list the name, pronouns, grade, and age of all children in your family.  (Example:  Taylor, she/her, 3rd grade, 8 years) Need more room? Use the comments section at the end of the form. 
Emergency Contact

Member Covenant

Denton Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (DUUF) welcomes those who wish to make a commitment to the fellowship and its mission "to be a loving, diverse, open fellowship that inspires spiritual growth, encourages ethical actions, seeks truth and has a deep commitment to improving the community and the world by our actions."

Though Unitarian Universalism has no creed, our association is guided by the these Seven Principles and Six Sources: https://www.uua.org/beliefs/what-we-believe/principles.  We encourage you to read and consider these guides though you may not agree with each of them.

UUA says that "Covenant is the silk that joins Unitarian Universalist (UU) congregations, communities, and individuals together in a web of interconnection. The practice of promising to walk together is the precious core of our creedless faith. Covenant is both a noun and a verb. It can be a written agreement among individual community members promising to behave in certain ways, and it can mean to engage in mutual promises with Spirit, with other people and communities. Congregational Covenants can take many forms and reflect the needs and best wishes of a variety of groups—from church committee members to staff groups to how members of an entire congregation agree to be in right relationship with one another. Creating and agreeing to a covenant can be an extremely effective tool for building a foundation of trust. By creating shared expectations around the behaviors we want to cultivate, we come closer to creating the beloved community."
By signing this form, we ask you acknowledge the Denton Unitarian Universalist Fellowship's covenant:

We affirm our commitment to this community by covenanting
To listen with compassion,
To speak with respect and kindness,
To take responsibility for own acts and feelings,
To support the church as we are able,
To engage in open, caring, and informed discussion of the decisions that affect us,
To practice our UU principles at DUUF and in the world.
Member Commitment

We ask members to support our congregation with your skills and financial resources so that Denton Unitarian Universalist Fellowship might become a more effective instrument of service; a voice for liberation, reason, and tolerance; and a community in which we can celebrate all that life brings to us. To become a member of DUUF we ask that, as you are able, you attend Sunday and other services, participate in small groups that are of interest, share your skills.
I would like to share my skills by volunteering to:
Please select all that apply.
Would you like to share any information about your interests that might help us find groups or teams that meet your skills and preferences?
Other Information

Please use this section to share any additional background information and the congregation.

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Financial Pledge

A step in the process of completing your membership application requires the submission of a financial pledge and payment of a contribution of record. Many people prefer to set up a monthly auto-payment, while others find it easiest to make a donation each week. A few families choose to pay the entire amount once a year. That choice is up to you and should be based on your own budget and preferences.
As far as amount, folks may what they can afford, with many monthly pledge amounts being between the cost of your mobile phone bill and your rent/mortgage. Of course, some give more and some give less. We never want finances to be a reason someone does not participate wholeheartedly in our faith community.

You can set up your pledge on our website: https://dentonuuf. org/stewardship.
Please email
 stewardship@dentonuuf.org if you have any questions about pledging.

Contribution of Record

Another step, per our by-laws, is making a contribution of record via our website: https://dentonuuf.org/donate/. "Of record" means that the donation--however it is received--is accompanied by your name and a statement that it's meant to be applied to your pledge, not, say, a Second Offering or other donation.

Signing the Member Book

We love to offer this final step in a New Member Ceremony during Sunday worship. If you join our community exclusively online, you can participate in the ceremony online. Sometimes folks prefer not to participate in our ceremony for reasons such as privacy. Please let us know if you have questions about the new member ceremony by emailing welcometeam@dentonuuf.org.
Signature of Agreement

Please type your name below (as your signature) indicating your agreement with our Covenant and interest in membership at Denton Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. Once you have finished this form, a member of the Membership Committee will contact you about the next steps. We look forward to welcoming you into membership at DUUF!


Please fill out this form and click submit.