Welcome to DUUF and congratulations on taking the next step toward membership! We are so excited you are joining us!
Our By-laws state that “...Voting Membership is open to any person aged eighteen (18) or older who is in sympathy with the church’s purposes, principles, and programs by
(a) signing the membership book in the presence of the Minister or a member of the Board of Directors, and
(b) pledging to commit time, talent, and financial resources to the church, and
(c) making a contribution of record as defined by board policy.”
In addition, youth aged sixteen through seventeen or those who have completed the Coming of Age Religious Education Program may become Associate Members by completing the same process.
Members of DUUF are entitled to run for positions on the Board of Trustees and serve in Committee leadership as well as having the right to vote in congregational meetings. They also can participate in rites of passage (weddings, memorial services, baby dedications, coming of age, name change ceremonies, etc.) at no charge. DUUF members are automatically members of the larger Unitarian Universalist Association and receive a free subscription to the UU World. Members have opportunities to serve as delegates to the UUA General Assembly and are invited to participate in other regional and national gatherings and programs. Voting members are the backbone of our fellowship and ensure our ongoing strength as a congregation today and into the future.
Please complete this form to indicate your interest in taking this step.
Is there a second adult in your family? Tell us about them.
Tell us about any children in your family. Please list the name, pronouns, grade, and age of all children in your family. (Example: Taylor, she/her, 3rd grade, 8 years) Need more room? Use the comments section at the end of the form.
We ask members to support our congregation with your skills and financial resources so that Denton Unitarian Universalist Fellowship might become a more effective instrument of service; a voice for liberation, reason, and tolerance; and a community in which we can celebrate all that life brings to us. To become a member of DUUF we ask that, as you are able, you attend Sunday and other services, participate in small groups that are of interest, share your skills.
I would like to share my skills by volunteering to:
Would you like to share any information about your interests that might help us find groups or teams that meet your skills and preferences?
Please use this section to share any additional background information and the congregation.
We love to offer this final step in a New Member Ceremony during Sunday worship. If you join our community exclusively online, you can participate in the ceremony online. Sometimes folks prefer not to participate in our ceremony for reasons such as privacy. Please let us know if you have questions about the new member ceremony by emailing welcometeam@dentonuuf.org.
Please type your name below (as your signature) indicating your agreement with our Covenant and interest in membership at Denton Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. Once you have finished this form, a member of the Membership Committee will contact you about the next steps. We look forward to welcoming you into membership at DUUF!